

  学校坚持“引进、吸收、融合、创新”的办学理念,探索自身的办学特色,建立了以“三大课程教学体系,七大特色课程模块”为核心的中西融合课程教学体系。学校秉承镇海中学科学严谨的教育管理制度,全方位关注学生的学业和成长。学校奉行“创适合孩子的教育,办学生喜欢的学校”,坚持“特色引领,品质支撑,服务兴学”,努力培养具有中国灵魂、国际视野的国际化人才。学校办学成果喜人,首届毕业生100%进入美国TOP 100大学,75%进入美国TOP 60大学,2017年宁波市升入美国TOP 30大学的学生中,宁波赫威斯肯特学生占40%。

  Jointly run by hundred-year-old Zhenhai Middle School and Barstow School in USA, Ningbo Hanvos Kent School, the first independent international school in Zhejiang Province, is an essential part of the international education cooperation and exchange program in Ningbo. It is a pioneer of the collaborative educational trial in Zhejiang province, taking a leading role in gathering personal investment and high-quality educational resources from home and abroad, boosting the innovation system in an internationally cooperating school, and researching the most appropriate model of education integration between China and the western world. Adhering to the idea of "introduction, absorption, integration and innovation", Ningbo Hanvos Kent School tries to hold our own school features and set up an integral teaching system combining Chinese and western courses under the guideline of "Three main teaching systems and Seven idiomatical modules". We firmly follow the scientific and rigorous educational management system of Zhenhai middle school, and pay full attention to the students' study and growth. Also, we pursue to establish a school which is all for students, adhering to the concepts of  “specialty, quality and service” in order to equip the students with "Chinese spirit, Global vision". The last academic year was a harvesting year, when all of our students were enrolled by Top100 Universities in USA, with 75% of them going to Top60, meanwhile constituting 40% of the Top30 university students in Ningbo in 2017.





  校训:责任Responsibility、智慧Intelligence、人格Personality、卓越Excellence (RIPE)
